Lenten Services
Join us for soup and bread dinner each Wednesday before Lenten services. Dinner starts at 6 pm and Lenten Service starts at 7 pm.
Glad Tidings Radio Program
Tune in to KAST 1370 AM radio station to hear good news from our Pastor.
Brown Bag Ministry
Each week our Brown Bag Ministry prepares brown bag lunches that are distributed to the homeless by local nonprofits and individuals. Each lunch is created to feed the body and share the good news of God’s love and salvation through Jesus. Astoria Helping Hands is a residential program helping drug and alcohol-free people reenter the workforce. They operate seven days a week. Astoria Helping Hands provides breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week. Bethany’s brown bags are used for…
Women’s Missionary Federation (WMF)
Supporting Local and World Missions and Serving Our Congregation Bring your own sack lunch and join us downstairs in our church building. AFLC National WMF page AFLC Women | Women’s Missionary Federation