Brown Bag Ministry

Brown Bag Ministry

Feeding the Homeless

Each week our Brown Bag Ministry prepares lunch bags that are distributed
to the homeless by local nonprofit organizations. Each lunch is created to
feed the body and share the good news of God’s love and salvation through
Jesus. We currently provide lunch bags to two organizations:
Helping Hands provides emergency shelter and reentry program-
based transitional housing for men, women, and children at two
locations in Clatsop County – Astoria and Seaside. Bethany’s brown
bags are used for lunch with Helping Hands adding a PB&J sandwich
and fruit. As of mid-2024, Bethany provides 200 brown bag lunches a
week to Helping Hands for distribution through their Clatsop County
The Astoria Rescue Mission provides a variety of services to those in
need. As stated on their website – “Our mission is to help under-
served populations with housing and getting back on their feet, while
proclaiming God’s love for all people.” As of mid-2024, Bethany
provides 40 brown bag lunches a week to the Astoria Rescue
We encourage others to join us on Wednesdays as we pack lunches and lift
those who receive them in prayer. In addition to the community service
that the team seeks to provide, we are united in prayer for each other and
the needs of the Bethany congregation.