Sermons on Luke

Sermons on Luke

Service led by the youth

Today’s service was a youth led event. In it they depict the Christmas story by performing a skit about a skit. Luke 2:1-16

Never Give Up

Today’s message is the parable of the persistent widower and how we need to keep hanging on and looking to God for help, but never giving up. Luke 18:1-8

Are You Enough?

Today’s sermon asks us what is makes a person good and are you good enough. We learn that Jesus paid it all and we in ourselves are not good enough.

Wanted: Scattergrain Believers

Today’s message is from Pastor Slivkoff out of Luke 8:4-15 on the sowing of seeds. Who should scatter the seeds and how? God’s seeds of the word are powerful.

Live a Life of Mercy

We apologize for the poor video of this week’s message. We had technical difficulties that were not fixable at the time and so we improvised a way to video the message only and the beginning of communion. Pastor Carr brought the lesson from Luke 10:25-37. We as God’s followers to demonstrate love.

Does God want us to hate our families?

Luke 14:25-26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, even their own life – such a person cannot be my disciple.”

Prayer Life

Guest speaker Pastor Richard Gunderson preaches from Luke 11:5-13 on “Prayer Life” “Are you breathing? Are you praying? Pray without ceasing”.
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