Sermons by Richard Carr (Page 6)
The Fellowship of the Way
Using the text from Matthew 1:1-6 Pastor teaches us that we are all loved by God and He knows us by name.
Live a Life of Mercy
We apologize for the poor video of this week’s message. We had technical difficulties that were not fixable at the time and so we improvised a way to video the message only and the beginning of communion. Pastor Carr brought the lesson from Luke 10:25-37. We as God’s followers to demonstrate love.
Waiting for the Lord
Today’s message from Psalm gives us great comfort and joy knowing that God hears our plea, but we are instructed to also wait on Him.
What Nation Do You Belong To?
1 Peter 2:9-17 Our citizenship is in heaven.
What Makes You Good?
Romans 2:17-29. Do you think you are good enough? Have you done enough? Have you broken any laws?
The Unbreakable Bond of Christ’s Love
Romans 8:35-36 Who shall separate us from the love of God?
Does God want us to hate our families?
Luke 14:25-26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, even their own life – such a person cannot be my disciple.”
The Legacy of Our Faith
Genesis 12:1-4 “The Legacy of Our Faith” Today’s message is the story of faith by Abrahm to go when the Lord said go, even not knowing the destination. Do we have that kind of faith? What will your legacy be?
What You Plant is What you Harvest
Galations 6:7-8
What or Who are You Looking For?
Luke 12:54-56 is the scripture for today’s message. Jesus has given us many signs, are we seeing them?
The Mystery of Revelation
The Story, Chapter 31 is focused on the book of Revelations. Yes, it can be exciting because we know the ending and that is that God Wins in the end.
Living our Lives Worthy of Our Calling
The Story continues with chapter 30 or Ephesians 4:1-6