Sermons on Forgiveness

Sermons on Forgiveness

Christmas Day Service

What do you know about Christmas is the question asked today. Know that the baby Jesus born is the same Jesus that died for our sins and rose again.

Answering the call to come

Today is the last of the series on parables of Jesus. We find the parable of the wedding feast and being properly robed to be invited in Matthew 22:1-4

Are You Enough?

Today’s sermon asks us what is makes a person good and are you good enough. We learn that Jesus paid it all and we in ourselves are not good enough.

Personal life story of Beth Hanley

Today Beth Hanley shared her personal life story of tragedy, pains and the restoration only Jesus can give. Thank you, Beth, for sharing such a powerful message to us all.

Follow the Leader

Today’s lesson was from John 10:1-10 about Jesus as our loving and caring shepherd. …”I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”.

Message from Genesis

The last of a series in “Lessons from the beginning”. Today we learn of Joseph and how God works in people through bad times and creates a masterpiece.