Sermons on God's Faithfulness (Page 2)
“Be satisfied in the Lord”
Do you have “big hairy gorillas? Yes? Then focus on God, not on your problems. I John 1:3-4
“A fickle people, and a faithful God.”
Psalm 106 is full of reminders how the nation of Israel was so messed up, but yet God remained faithful.
Numbers: The tale of a hard journey
Numbers 21:4-9 Do we ever complain and grumble about God’s provision to us?
I stand amazed
2 John 3-11 Series on lesser known books of the Bible
Our call to be patient.
The series on the book of James concludes with us hearing how we are to be patient. “for when I am weak then I am strong.” II Cor. 12:10
Enduring Trials – Book of James Part 1
Series on the book of James, how to be joyful in all situations. James 1:2-3
The Radical Love of Jesus
Guest speaker Brian Ricke shares his testimony and God’s Radical Love with us today.
Why doesn’t God make sense sometimes?
Today’s lesson from Romans 11:33-36 We are reminded that God is in control, God knows all things and we in our finite wisdom don’t see the whole picture.
The Fellowship of the Way
Using the text from Matthew 1:1-6 Pastor teaches us that we are all loved by God and He knows us by name.
Live a Life of Mercy
We apologize for the poor video of this week’s message. We had technical difficulties that were not fixable at the time and so we improvised a way to video the message only and the beginning of communion. Pastor Carr brought the lesson from Luke 10:25-37. We as God’s followers to demonstrate love.
Waiting for the Lord
Today’s message from Psalm gives us great comfort and joy knowing that God hears our plea, but we are instructed to also wait on Him.
The Lord is Here Be Still
From Exodus 14:10-14 Guest speaker Pastor Craig Johnson encourages us to Be Still in all situations of today’s world. The Lord says Be still and know that I am God.