Sermons on Outreach

Sermons on Outreach

The Good Fight

Missionaries to Brazil Paul and Becky Abel share with us their work in Brazil. Paul brings the message from 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Here is a link to our AFLC websites Missionaries for the Abel’s. Paul Abels | AFLC World Missions

Planting churches

Guest speaker Pastor Del Palmer shares a message about the first church planting in the Bible and encouraging us to share God’s word.

Astoria Rescue Mission

Today’s message is testimonies from men from the Astoria Rescue Mission. These men have been touched by God and they are working to get back into society, but mostly they need to love God.

Personal life story of Beth Hanley

Today Beth Hanley shared her personal life story of tragedy, pains and the restoration only Jesus can give. Thank you, Beth, for sharing such a powerful message to us all.

Sharing from the Mission field

2 Timothy 2: 1-2 Missionaries John Lee and his family are visiting from the mission field in Brazil. John brings the message of encouragement and the work happening down there.

Wanted: Scattergrain Believers

Today’s message is from Pastor Slivkoff out of Luke 8:4-15 on the sowing of seeds. Who should scatter the seeds and how? God’s seeds of the word are powerful.

Astoria Rescue Mission Testimony

In the absence of Pastor Carr, we invited the Astoria Rescue Mission in to give a testimony and an update on the work being done by this group. Praise be to God for the work in the lives of these men.

Work of the Gideons.

Guest speaker Scott Smith brings us testimonies and words of encouragement while sharing the work of the Gideons, not just in our own communities but all around the world.

Does God want us to hate our families?

Luke 14:25-26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, even their own life – such a person cannot be my disciple.”
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