Sermons on Sin (Page 2)
The voice in the wilderness
Isaiah 40:3-5, Acts 3:17-23, Mark 1:1-8 Repentance is necessary, do it today.
Humble yourself before the Lord
James 1:1-10
Are you ready and coming to the wedding?
Revelations 19:6-8 The invite has been given to each and every one of us, will you accept it and be atttending?
The Radical Love of Jesus
Guest speaker Brian Ricke shares his testimony and God’s Radical Love with us today.
Just How Dangerous Is Pride?
Part 2 of the series on pride. 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 tells us the story of King Uzziah and the destruction that his pride caused him.
Just how dangerous is pride?
2 Chronicles 26:1-21 The message today is a warning of generational sins and how to overcome and break that chain.
What You Plant is What you Harvest
Galations 6:7-8
The Physical & Spiritual Problems of God’s People.
The Story Chapter 21 Israel rebuilding the city walls and how not following God is a problem.
God’s Tough Love
We continue in The Story, Chapter 16
Is idolatry really that bad?
Chapter 14 of The Story
The man after God’s own heart, breaks His heart.
“The Story” Chapter 12 with King David and his falling into sin.