Sermons on Godly Life
What is the value of Life?
Today’s message focuses on “The Sanctity of Human Life” day.
Stand Firm
Stand firm…our citizenship is in heaven. Philippians 3:17-4:1
Never Give Up
Today’s message is the parable of the persistent widower and how we need to keep hanging on and looking to God for help, but never giving up. Luke 18:1-8
The Squander of God’s Provision
Matthew 6:24-34 The Squander of God’s Great Provision
Hold firmly to the truth
Hebrews 3:12-19 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion”.
Finding Unity
John 17:21a Finding unity in God.
Running the Race
Hebrews 12:1-3 Focus on Jesus first and run the race to the finish line.
I stand amazed
2 John 3-11 Series on lesser known books of the Bible
Lesson from Jesus as a boy
Luke 2:39-52 1. Scriptures were important to Jesus. 2. Jesus was fully God and man. 3. Jesus honored his parents.
2Kinds of “Wisdom”
The series on the book James continues in James3:13-18 as we hear about earthly wisdom versus Godly widsom.
How does faith relate to our works?
Series on the book of James, Part 3 James 2:14-24
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