Sermons on Spiritual Growth (Page 4)
The Story Continues – Chapter 4
Today is the story of Moses being led by God to take the Israelites out of captivity, but not before a lot of plaques and suffering. BUT God was in control of all things.
The Story – Chapter 1
Genesis 1 Today was the first Sunday of studying the Bible in chronological order using the book “The Story”.
The Buoyancy of The Truth of God.
Matthew 6: 24-34
Is Christ hidden from you?
Luke 18:31-43
Press on towards your heavenly goal
Philippians 3:12-16
Trust in God and Fear Not
John 14:1
Philemons Choice
Philemon 1
Is Your Soul Pumping Iron
I Timothy 4:7-8
Departure Preparations
John 16:5-15
“The Majority of One”
John 10:11-16