Sermon Archive (Page 2)

Sermon Archive (Page 2)

Answering the call to come

Today is the last of the series on parables of Jesus. We find the parable of the wedding feast and being properly robed to be invited in Matthew 22:1-4

God’s Extravagant Grace

Found in Matthew 20:1-16 is the parable of the “workers in the field. This message is about God’s grace when it is undeserved and yet he gives it to us.

The Good Fight

Missionaries to Brazil Paul and Becky Abel share with us their work in Brazil. Paul brings the message from 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Here is a link to our AFLC websites Missionaries for the Abel’s. Paul Abels | AFLC World Missions

Is God Working?

The Series on Parables continues with the parable of the “faith as small as a mustard seed”. Matthew 13:31-33

Planting churches

Guest speaker Pastor Del Palmer shares a message about the first church planting in the Bible and encouraging us to share God’s word.

Never Give Up

Today’s message is the parable of the persistent widower and how we need to keep hanging on and looking to God for help, but never giving up. Luke 18:1-8

Are You Enough?

Today’s sermon asks us what is makes a person good and are you good enough. We learn that Jesus paid it all and we in ourselves are not good enough.

Astoria Rescue Mission

Today’s message is testimonies from men from the Astoria Rescue Mission. These men have been touched by God and they are working to get back into society, but mostly they need to love God.